..Making a wish and Living it are 2 different things. It takes your all to make your Wish come True And Live in every moment.
We can’t believe its being a year that we opened our doors (Virtual doors) in field of Web and Cloud Development. With a Small Team and Big Dreams, we were able to complete our First Milestone Successfully. We strongly believe that…
“ Our Journey is 1% Finished ”
..And we have to Learn, Design, Develop, Question, Celebrate, Answer and many things to do.
We would like to say Thanks to all our Mentors, Clients and Colleagues for being incredible part of this Journey and making it a success in all meaningful terms. We are still as much in Love with what we are doing as we were on First day of our Journey.
Would like to share Some of our Achievements –
Completed 100+ Projects
Worked for 15+ Countries across the Globe
100% Hire and Retention Rate
Rated 5 Star (By 9 out of 10 Clients)
100+ Facebook Lovers
And Kept high Standard and Work Culture
Some of Our Learning during this course of time is –
Estimating Projects Timeline,
To be more Patient,
Be Process Oriented,
And that Its Good to be on Techless Vacations 🙂
Once again, I would like to say Thanks to all of you reading this and have associated with us in some or other way. We wish to continue with same passion years ahead.