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Implement Search Intent Keywords For Better Ecommerce Results

Why You Need To Implement Search Intent Keywords For Better Ecommerce Results?

Wouldn’t it be great to increase the conversion of your e-commerce site by targeting buyers to visit your site not only visitors? Marketing techniques and behavior of the customer are changing all the time. The right SEO is one of the effective ways to market a website and when it comes to Search Engine Optimization how can you forget about implementing intent keywords.

Think about it. When you enter a phrase into Google and then hit the Search button, what is your Intent? In other words, what are you trying to accomplish? Are you shopping online? Or are you just trying to find out something like, where to eat dinner tonight or how to check the tire pressure of your car?

It depends on the point, what keyphrases do you use for search on Google with different goals in mind. So why should that matter to you? Well as an online business it matters because you’re trying to get in front of searchers whose Intent is to buy what you’re selling.

What Is Search Intent Or Keyword Intent – Keyword intent or search intent is a hidden question behind any search quarry on search engines such as Google. What they are searching for? Are they looking for learning something or want to purchase something?

Search intent is the aim of a searcher, over the year Google ranks those pages which are answering the question of the searcher and how Google finds those answers from multiple websites? The answer is keyword intent. If you have added those particular keywords you are gonna rank up with help of SEO Experts.

Type Of Search Intent

To fully understand this, you need to understand the 4 types of Search Intents:

Informational Intent – When a user looking for information, he jumps to the internet. Informational intent is easy to identify because they usually made with “why”, “where”, “what”, “how”, “who” etc. However, not all informational searches are started with questions.

Commercial Intent- Searches conducted with the eye of purchasing in the long run qualify as commercial searches. They are not directly transnational but may result in the exchange of money or goods at a later stage.

Transnational Intent- This is the one you’re after if you’re in business. These are the searches that are done when people are working toward the purchase of a product or service. These are the searches that pay your rent and the difference between success and failure.

Navigational Intent – Navigational intent search is done to locate a certain site or online resource. Here’s a good example. Did you know that one of the most common searches done in Google is ‘’? Yes, people put Yahoo’s address on Google’s search box instead of just typing it into the browser bar. They just want to go to Yahoo and that’s how they do it.

How To Find And Optimize Search Intent Keywords- The query of the searcher itself explain, what exactly they are searching for and here are some tips to find and optimize your content for those searches.

  • Use Google’s free ‘AdWords keyword tool’ to ‘test’ your words. This is useful because it can help to eliminate terms you mind or you identify as a strong search term. You can also try out other tools on the Internet, such as Market Samurai.
  • Conduct a natural search with the help of Google because it shows the same keywords a customer looking for, list them carefully. Note which keywords are in the metadata titles and meta descriptions on the search listings.
  • Examine competitors’ sites. Note which keyword search terms, they are targeting.
  • Take help with Google Analytics to see how visitors are finding you. Keep in mind that just because few searchers are finding you this way, it does not mean that keywords were strong. Remember that single keywords such as ‘massage’ will return a huge number of hits, making it almost impossible to compete with.

This is the likelihood that a person searching for a particular keyword will make a purchase. Let’s say for if you have 100 daily visitors and only 1% make a purchase. That’s only 1 sale a day because your traffic is not qualified. Now let’s say that the same traffic is coming from keywords which is search intent keyword. Your conversions would at least jump to 5%, giving you 5 sales per day instead of one! This is how an intent keyword can change the results for an e-commerce site, which only can implement with the help of SEO experts.

Tags: SEO
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